Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

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"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.

10. Kaeffchen: From Ansible, Puppet and Zabbix to Log Processing with Loki, Vector and Elastic

General Agenda Guests: Bernhard Rausch, Claudio Künzler, Markus Koller, Niclas Mietz, Nico Meisenzahl, Michael Friedrich Next ☕ chat #11: 2020-07-29 - Agenda Highlights Welcome Claudio Künzler and Markus Koller! Provisioning VMware Ubuntu 20.04 LTS images with Ansible Puppet, Ansible, Zabbix use cases - Bolt? Network Inventory Automation - Twitter thread Monitoring insights from OSMC 2019 - YT playlist Grafana Loki - event & metric format & clients (promtail, fluentd) Vector, fast log processing in Rust Logstash or Elastic ingest nodes Elastic Cloud Enterprise on Premise Elastic Operator on Kubernetes Elastic APM Recording Enjoy the session! Read More…

Date published: July 22, 2020

9. Kaeffchen: Deep dive into Conan with C++ on Windows and GitLab Package Registry

General Agenda Guests: Michael Aigner, Mario Kleinsasser, Bernhard Rausch, Michael Friedrich Next ☕ chat #10: 2020-07-22 (GitLab 13.2 release day!) - Agenda Highlights Hands on deep dive into Conan with C++ on Windows and GitLab’s package registry by Michael Aigner Conan getting started GitLab Conan Registry Demo Repository Windows Shared runner on GitLab.com and Python tips Quick way to see if a GitLab project is public News & surveys, added at the bottom. Read More…

Date published: July 15, 2020

8. Kaeffchen: C++ development (CMake, Windows, CI/CD) and debug stories on ARM

General Agenda Guests: Mario Kleinsasser, Bernhard Rausch, Michael Aigner, Nico Meisenzahl, Michael Friedrich Highlights Chat with weekly topic and news section New languages - maybe start with Rust? CI/CD with C++ and Windows CI/CD runners - how to do it? Windows package scripts for Icinga 2 created by Markus Frosch Windows dev environment documentation written by Michael. Conan package registry How to debug memory corruption on ARM platforms Initial report by Nicolai Buchwitz in November 2018 with no real solution. Read More…

Date published: July 8, 2020

7. Kaeffchen: Terraform and GitLab Live Demo and DevSecOps Culture Talk

General Agenda Guests: Niclas Mietz, Mario Kleinsasser, Bernhard Rausch, Michael Aigner, Nico Meisenzahl, Marcel Weinberg, Michael Friedrich Highlights Niclas kicked off with a live demo on Managing AWS credentials with Terraform using the GitLab integration (state backend, repository and MR integration). Must watch if you want to start learning! A blog post is coming soon. Bernhard continued our discussion about Ops/DevOps and how our working/thinking changed the past years. Thanks Patrick Debois for starting! Read More…

Date published: July 1, 2020

Bash script for checking out the master branch of many repositories in a directory

So I already posted this in my blog but as very few people read that :), I thought I’d post it here too. When dealing with microservices, sometimes I’ve found myself needing to go through all the repositories for a project in a folder and checkout the most recent master so it can be deployed. Again the other day I had to do this so I finally wrote a script to make it go a bit faster. Read More…

Date published: July 1, 2020

Policy and Governance for Kubernetes

Before I talk about Policy and Governance for Kubernetes let’s briefly talk about policy and governance in general. In short, it means to provide a set of rules which define a guideline that either can be enforced or audited. So why do we need this? It is important because in a Cloud ecosystem decisions are made decentralized and also taken at a rapid pace. A governance model or policy becomes crucial to keep the entire organization on track. Read More…

Date published: June 23, 2020