Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

Join the conversation and add your thoughts, tips, experiences, stories.

"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.

10. Cafe: Raycast, level up your productivity

Highlights Michael Aigner prepared a greated live demo into Raycast. He also contributed GitLab script commands for our daily workflows. Recording Enjoy the session! 🦊

Date published: December 9, 2020

27. Kaeffchen: 5 min production app & local Kubernetes development

Highlights We looked into the 5 min production app with VueJS and Google Skaffold for local Kubernetes development. Recording Enjoy the session!

Date published: December 9, 2020

26. Kaeffchen: macOS Big Sur & Tracing

Highlights We’ve shared the latest news from the week, including the macOS Big Sur update with then moving to tracing, OpenTelemetry and Honeycomb’s buildevents and how CI/CD tracing in general can be improved. Recording Enjoy the session!

Date published: December 2, 2020

9. Cafe: AWS re:invent try-out: EC2 macOS & Proton

Highlights AWS re:invent announced new products and we decided to try them out: Use Amazon EC2 Mac Instances to Build & Test macOS, iOS, ipadOS, tvOS, and watchOS Apps AWS Proton: A microservices/container deployment service Recording Enjoy the session! 🦊

Date published: December 2, 2020

25. Kaeffchen: Docker Hub Rate Limit Monitoring & Gitpod

Highlights We’ve talked a bit about GitLab, then jumped into Docker Hub Rate Limit monitoring and concluded with Gitpod tests for about.gitlab.com. Recording Enjoy the session! Insights Agenda Guests: Michael Friedrich, Christian Stankovic, Nicolai Buchwitz, Niclas Mietz Next ☕ chat #26: 2020-11-25 - Agenda

Date published: November 11, 2020

8. Cafe: Keptn, an event-based control plane for continuous delivery and automated operations for cloud-native applications.

Highlights Alois kicked off with an introduction to Keptn and its idea on a control pane for continuous delivery. Developed at Dynatrace, it was recently contributed to the CNCF. Christian did a deep dive into the use cases with events, SLI/SLO/SLA observability in stages before going to production. He continued with a live demo with Keptn and CI/CD pipelines. We’ve also learned how GitLab CI/CD pipelines integrate with Keptn into Dynatrace. Read More…

Date published: November 11, 2020