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6. Cafe: Grafana Tempo


We started with Goutham’s blog post Tempo: A game of trade-offs to get a better idea, with then going a bit into the basics of Tracing and Spans, reviving a presentation on OpenTracing and OpenMetrics and looking into the OpenTracing Specification.

The blog post on Metrics, Tracing, Logging still sparks many ideas and we put that into context with Grafana Tempo, Loki, Prometheus and more.

The hands on with Grafana Tempo Getting Started turned into trying out the docker-compose example as this has a demo app for generating traces inside. In the end we had beautiful traces inside Grafana - try it out yourself, and share on social!


Enjoy the session! 🦊



Date published: October 28, 2020

Tags: Grafana, Tempo, Tracing, Monitoring, Observability