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16. Cafe: Kubernetes deployments to Hetzner Cloud, step 3: k3s load balancer & pod resources


Max Rosin kindly prepared a series of workshops to learn how to deploy Kubernetes in Hetzner Cloud. Hetzner generously sponsored cloud minutes for our sessions, thank you!

This session covers the third step, after having provisioned the server and agent VMs with Terraform and Ansible in the first session and deployed k3s last week:

Next week, we’ll look into:

  • Ingress controller, to use a single load balancer for multiple websites to save costs.
  • Hetzner storage volumes

Future ideas touch monitoring with Prometheus, GitLab CI/CD deployments and much more :)



Enjoy the session! 🦊

Date published: February 10, 2021

Tags: Gitlab, Hetzner, Cloud, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes