Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

Join the conversation and add your thoughts, tips, experiences, stories.

"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.

49. #EveryoneCanContribute Cafe: Aqua Security and Open Source with Anaïs Urlichs

Anaïs Urlichs did a deep dive into the OSS tools from Aqua Security: Trivy, tfsec, Starboard, Tracee and more. We have discussed usage scenarios, custom policies, the integration touch points between the tools, and how to contribute.


We’ve learned about:

More insights into Trivy and Starboard in the 41. #EveryoneCanContribute cafe: Kubernetes Cluster Image Scanning with Trivy & Starboard.


The next meetup happens on April 12, 2022, topics to be defined. Maybe an OpenTelemetry hacking session, please join Discord for suggestions.

We will meet on the second Tuesday at 9am PT.

Date published: March 8, 2022

Tags: Security, Opensource, Cloudnative, Devsecops