Everyone can contribute! Learn DevOps and Cloud Native in our cafe ☕

Technology is moving fast in the DevOps and Cloud Native community.

Join the conversation and add your thoughts, tips, experiences, stories.

"Everyone Can Contribute" is inspired by GitLab's mission.

50. #EveryoneCanContribute Cafe: First look: Dagger with Niclas Mietz

Niclas Mietz started with an introduction to Dagger and a Hello World example with CUE. We’ve discussed Dagger actions, packages and the interaction with buildkitd to run actions in containers, first impressions, ideas to contribute and future potential. Niclas also did a live demo with a GitLab project deployed to Netlify with Dagger, using CI/CD.


We’ve learned about:


The next meetup happens on May 10, 2022 in the week before KubeCon EU.

We will meet on the second Tuesday at 9am PT.

Date published: April 12, 2022

Tags: Cicd, Containers, Dev, Devsecops